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Welcome to the Thermofluid Energy Research Lab lead by Dr. Yangying Zhu in the Mechanical Engineering department at UCSB.

Fast-charging batteries for electric vehicles, ultra integrated computer processors for artificial intelligence, and efficient catalysis for clean fuels are a few examples of emerging technologies with potential to transform our society. A common crucial requirement of these technologies is the effective management of thermal and fluid transport, which has remained an outstanding challenge given the ever-shrinking length scales of the devices and the increasing complexity of material structures. At the Thermofluid Energy Research Lab, we combine fundamental understandings of heat and fluid transport with advanced materials characterization capabilities for more efficient thermal management and sustainable energy solutions. 



News highlight

  • Congratulations to Xichen for successfully defending her PhD! She will continue investigating surfactants by R&D in Clorox in Pleasanton, CA. 

  • Patrick Babb has been awarded the UCSB Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE) Excellence in Research Fellowship. Congratulations, Patrick!

  • Vijay's work selected as cover art in Droplet. Read more.

  • Harrison's work published in ACS Energy Letters. Read more.

  • Our group receives funding from ARPA-E to develop a novel thermal desalination system. Read more.



  • Graduate students with a background in mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical engineering or related fields are welcome to contact Prof. Zhu.

  • Highly motivated undergraduate students are welcome to participate in our research. Undergraduate students are encouraged to publish their research results.



Engineering Science Building, 

University of California, Santa Barbara,

Santa Barbara, CA 93106

© 2019 by Yangying Zhu.

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